Sunday, November 6, 2011

Ideas in Instructional Design

     As an instructor, I have found my niche in assessment.  I have always wondered why educators contemplate test questions after the instruction.  If we want students to achieve success, then why not begin with the end in mind?  Teaching  what a student will be assessed on is not a crime in my opinion. It somewhat guarantees the success of the student, and is a set or stated beginning to end lesson plan for the teacher.

     While eagerly pursuing the instructional design and tecnology professiion, I am finding it essential to be aware of the various learning styles, especially how these learning styles relate to certain professions.  Technology has broadened the scope of how institutions/corporations determine capabilities, and evaluate skills.

     Assessments should serve as traffic lights for instructors. Red: STOP ,Yellow: SLOW DOWN,and of course Green:,FULL STEAM AHEAD, GO!!  Assessments should not be used to agonize a student, but instead he/she should look forward to finding out if they truly comprehend the training/lecture.  Students should be able to see where they are confusing and/or not understanding information

Are You Addressing Learning Styles with your Instruction and Assessments?

Are You Addressing Learning Styles with your Instruction and Assessments?